The Hunger Games Movie Poster
In the early hours of March 15th, when most would be snugly tucked in bed, dreaming of sweet, impossible things (or, on occaision, dark, scary things), Bailey Sophia was brought into the world. weighing about 7 pounds, she was an adorable little newborn, with big round baby blue eyes and little to no hair.
Riley had spent the night, and at around 2 am we got the call; Liz was in labor. Approximately 4 hours later we drove to the hospital and saw little miss Bailey for the first time :)
In addition to that, in September we welcomed a new little yorkie-poo into our home, named Flynn. If anything, he has confirmed my decision to never have a dog. EVER. Waaay too high maintenance, I'll just have a fish thank you. Or turtles, if I decide to be brave :D
Now, on to The Hunger Games... I REALLY don't think you're ready for this, so read at your own discretion...
My friends and I had decided about a month before THG came out that we wanted to go and see it (I hadn't read the books, I know, shame on me, blah blah blah). So around two days after it came out, we headed out to the cinema to watch something that, just hours later, would become my favorite movie of all time :D Bravo, Suzanne Collins!! I normally have a dislike for movies for whatever reason, they're usually quite dull in my humble opinion. But this film is simply FANTASTIC. I immediately fell in love with the characters, especially Peeta (which, I suppose, is to be expected given that I'm a teenage girl of 14 years old =P), which is odd because I used to hate Josh Hutcherson (aka Peeta) before I saw it. But now I absoluetly love him :D Peeta is too sweet for his own good, but I LOVE him for it :) As soon as I could after I saw THG, I went out to buy ALL the books, and proceeded to read the whole trilogy in about two weeks (my brother thought it was quite strange, though I guess it makes sense since it took him two years to finish The Scarlet Letter =P). In the last chapter/ Epilogue, I must admit, I was grossly sobbing through it ALL. I couldn't help it, it was the most tragic/sad/depressing/heartwrenching/beautiful/FLAWLESS thing I've ever read. I was, however, utterly frustarted with Katniss in book one, but by Mockingjay I felt so extremely sad for her, particularly after what happened to Peeta (I still wonder if he ever remembered...). Poor poor Peeta, after he was hijacked and started to get suicidal (FOR KATNISS' SAKE. I ALMOST DIED) I nearly balled my head off. I blame the teenage emotions :D (I don't know what I'll do when I can no longer blame it all on that... =P)
Now, if I venture any further into the depths of love I have for The Hunger Games, I could end up writing a trilogy myself, so I'll spare you further details in case your mind decides to spontaneously combust from the Hunger Games love that's so strongly emanating from this post =P
I decided not to even get into writing about the Castle season finale, because I love it BY FAR a MILLION TIMES more than The Hunger Games, so you KNOW that's gotta be bad. Let me just say... After 4 YEARS waiting... Castle and Beckett are OFFICIALLY a couple!!!!!!!! :D:D:D Happy time!!! :D:D:D
If you're still reading this, let me just say, I love you. I mean it. Because all of this is pretty much me just rambling on about tv shows/ movies/ etc... THUMBS UP :D:D
Much love, Emily :) xxx
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
A new niece, new dog, and a MEGA-HUGE newfound love for The Hunger Games
New niece,
Season Finale,
The Hunger Games
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
...Who Doesn't Like Driving 8 Hours to Eastern Washington??!
The Doctor
TFR :)
Emily :)
Chris Padgett,
Doctor Who,
Judy McDonald,
Monday, July 25, 2011
A hiffy, a slug, and wow I need to update more...
I am not in this one ): But it's the campfire at my the camp :)
I can't believe how time gets away from me: one second i'm going shopping for supplies the day before I go to camp, then all of a sudden i'm at camp, wondering how the heck that happened, then all too soon i'm at home, bored, realizing I haven't written a post in nearly a month. I guess life's just crazy like that though. People tell you to stop and smell the roses, and you try, but time moves so fast that when you're done, you forget what it was like and have to do it all over again. Wow, that made absolutely no sense... Haha well I guess that's what happens when I start rambling... =P So, camp. It was pretty fun, though it rained almost nonstop! And when it wasn't raining, the sky was blanketed in ominous grey clouds. Lovely, right? Halfway through the week, I had one of the worst experiences in my life: I touched a slug. For the first time. Ever.I know I sound pretty melodramatic, but I HATE bugs. Especially if they're slimy. So this is how it happened. All of the girls in Cayuse Village (our lodge) were laying on the tarp ( we were on an overnighter and it was time to go to bed). Absentmindedly I reached into my backpack and stopped cold as my fingers met a cold, slimy substance. Looking over with a flashlight in my hand, I let out a small scream: it was a slug! Ewww!!! It was setting on my shorts, so I picked them up and hurled them off the tarp (I was on the end), then used my water bottle to try and get the slime off. It took FOREVER!!! But I finally got (most of) it off, but it was terrible. And you know what else? We had to relieve ourselves in a hiffy. Yep, a good old rustic hole in the ground. We were practically begging to go in the biffy. An upgrade, but it stunk nonetheless. A girl nearly puked after using it, and in other camp sessions, people have thrown up. Okay, tmi, well I guess I'll end this now, as I've started rambling and that's NEVER a good thing =P
As always, TFR :)
Emily :)
I can't believe how time gets away from me: one second i'm going shopping for supplies the day before I go to camp, then all of a sudden i'm at camp, wondering how the heck that happened, then all too soon i'm at home, bored, realizing I haven't written a post in nearly a month. I guess life's just crazy like that though. People tell you to stop and smell the roses, and you try, but time moves so fast that when you're done, you forget what it was like and have to do it all over again. Wow, that made absolutely no sense... Haha well I guess that's what happens when I start rambling... =P So, camp. It was pretty fun, though it rained almost nonstop! And when it wasn't raining, the sky was blanketed in ominous grey clouds. Lovely, right? Halfway through the week, I had one of the worst experiences in my life: I touched a slug. For the first time. Ever.I know I sound pretty melodramatic, but I HATE bugs. Especially if they're slimy. So this is how it happened. All of the girls in Cayuse Village (our lodge) were laying on the tarp ( we were on an overnighter and it was time to go to bed). Absentmindedly I reached into my backpack and stopped cold as my fingers met a cold, slimy substance. Looking over with a flashlight in my hand, I let out a small scream: it was a slug! Ewww!!! It was setting on my shorts, so I picked them up and hurled them off the tarp (I was on the end), then used my water bottle to try and get the slime off. It took FOREVER!!! But I finally got (most of) it off, but it was terrible. And you know what else? We had to relieve ourselves in a hiffy. Yep, a good old rustic hole in the ground. We were practically begging to go in the biffy. An upgrade, but it stunk nonetheless. A girl nearly puked after using it, and in other camp sessions, people have thrown up. Okay, tmi, well I guess I'll end this now, as I've started rambling and that's NEVER a good thing =P
As always, TFR :)
Emily :)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
You must not leave!!!!
Fr. Todds' car decorated
"I can't believe you're leaving!!!!!" That's what I was saying practically all day yesterday. The best Priest in the history of awesome Priests is leaving us!!!! Yesterday was his going away party. I made him a friendship bracelet and a poster with us as stickpeople (I do that all the time and give them to our youth minister :)) My friend Amy and a couple other teens from our youth group (including me) sang three songs for him as a slideshow was going. As soon as we finished the last song, we all went outside to do something amazingly awesome: decorate Fr. Todds' (the Priest) car!!! We met up with a few other teens and Jill (our youth mister who is also AWESOME) and proceeded to get the supplies. We had lime green window markers, TONS of sticky notes (lots of shapes too =P) and, the classic, plastic wrap :D We did it so good!! :D And, of course, we added a unicorn horn at the front of his car :D (Wrapped in aluminun foil and held on with sticky notes, of course =P). Then I drew a picture of Gilly in the side window. You see, Gilly is kind of a joke with us, he calls Jill Gilly, and we'll randomly look at each other and say, 'Gilly???'. I took lots of pictures :D (see above :)) By the time he came out to his car, nearly everyone had left. And this is the evil part: someone had already told him!!!! Terrible, right??!? Hahaha but he was still (I think) surprised. Then he told us to take it off. He would've gotten into a wreck if we hadn't :D And now I'm sad. Unbelievably sad. I will miss him SOOOO MUCH!!!! Everybody loves him. He's so funny!!!! Well, if I dwell on this and keep writing about my sadness, I will start to cry. So for now, I will say goodbye.
'Til next time!!
"I can't believe you're leaving!!!!!" That's what I was saying practically all day yesterday. The best Priest in the history of awesome Priests is leaving us!!!! Yesterday was his going away party. I made him a friendship bracelet and a poster with us as stickpeople (I do that all the time and give them to our youth minister :)) My friend Amy and a couple other teens from our youth group (including me) sang three songs for him as a slideshow was going. As soon as we finished the last song, we all went outside to do something amazingly awesome: decorate Fr. Todds' (the Priest) car!!! We met up with a few other teens and Jill (our youth mister who is also AWESOME) and proceeded to get the supplies. We had lime green window markers, TONS of sticky notes (lots of shapes too =P) and, the classic, plastic wrap :D We did it so good!! :D And, of course, we added a unicorn horn at the front of his car :D (Wrapped in aluminun foil and held on with sticky notes, of course =P). Then I drew a picture of Gilly in the side window. You see, Gilly is kind of a joke with us, he calls Jill Gilly, and we'll randomly look at each other and say, 'Gilly???'. I took lots of pictures :D (see above :)) By the time he came out to his car, nearly everyone had left. And this is the evil part: someone had already told him!!!! Terrible, right??!? Hahaha but he was still (I think) surprised. Then he told us to take it off. He would've gotten into a wreck if we hadn't :D And now I'm sad. Unbelievably sad. I will miss him SOOOO MUCH!!!! Everybody loves him. He's so funny!!!! Well, if I dwell on this and keep writing about my sadness, I will start to cry. So for now, I will say goodbye.
'Til next time!!
Emily :)
Friday, June 24, 2011
My (not so hidden) obsession with Badgers
Charlie McDonnell and Matt Smith with his new Stuffed Badger
Ooh, look,!/The.Doctor.Who.Tardis posted a new video...*click* OMYGOSH someone's buying the Doctor Who cast CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!!!! Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) gets lots of musical stuff, haha!! Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) gets a stack of chocolate, yum *jealous*. Matt Smith (The Doctor) gets- NO FREAKIN WAY!!!! It's a BADGER!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! IT'S Charlie THE BADGER!!!!!!!!!!!
-Flashback Ends-
And this is how my obsession began. I aslo now find Otters and Llamas quite intriquing ;D
I hope you enjoyed the story of how my obsession with Badgers came about.
Link for the video:
Emily :)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tip #1: don't cry at night
I would like the dedicate this post to the amazing Dr. Carson Beckett, who so valiantly gave up his life for someone elses. You will always be in our hearts, and we will forever remember your heroics.
My family and I were watching the whole Stargate SG-1 series, and when it ended, naturally we went on to watch Stargate Atlantis. We have now been watching SGA for months, and are well into season 3. Last night, we settled down to watch it. The first two episodes were great, and my brother turned on another. It started out hilarious, we were laughing nearly the whole time: and then the explosion happened. The character Dr. Carson Beckett, being the valiant doctor he is, rushed right in and began to operate on one of the people who had been hurt. Now the explosion happened because one of the people had developed an explosive tumor. The guy Carson was working on had one too. They radioed him to tell him, but he wouldn't leave. So brave! Eventually he was able to remove it, but just as he had handed it to the guy who was going to contain it and turned around, the tumor exploded. HE DIED!!! I was so shocked, and horrified, and sad!! I cried so hard. I've never cried as much as I did last night. Not even when the 10th Doctor died on Doctor Who, and if you know me, you know that's big. It took me forever to calm down, and finally I was able to get to sleep. The next morning, I awoke to my alarm clock. I set it to snooze twice, then submitted to my fate and dragged myself out of bed. squinting at the bright light, I looked in the mirror. My eyes were all puffed up. I looked horrible. I grabbed an ice cube and paper towel, and held it to my eyes. Then Applied my makeup. It majorly reduced the puffyness, but it was still visible. My eyes still feel all weird, but at least the puffyness it gone!!! So the moral of the story is, don't cry at night, especially if you have to volunteer at the library the next day =P
P.S. I LOVE Carson Beckett!!! And his amazing accent..... :D
Doctor Carson Beckett in Stargate Atlantis
My family and I were watching the whole Stargate SG-1 series, and when it ended, naturally we went on to watch Stargate Atlantis. We have now been watching SGA for months, and are well into season 3. Last night, we settled down to watch it. The first two episodes were great, and my brother turned on another. It started out hilarious, we were laughing nearly the whole time: and then the explosion happened. The character Dr. Carson Beckett, being the valiant doctor he is, rushed right in and began to operate on one of the people who had been hurt. Now the explosion happened because one of the people had developed an explosive tumor. The guy Carson was working on had one too. They radioed him to tell him, but he wouldn't leave. So brave! Eventually he was able to remove it, but just as he had handed it to the guy who was going to contain it and turned around, the tumor exploded. HE DIED!!! I was so shocked, and horrified, and sad!! I cried so hard. I've never cried as much as I did last night. Not even when the 10th Doctor died on Doctor Who, and if you know me, you know that's big. It took me forever to calm down, and finally I was able to get to sleep. The next morning, I awoke to my alarm clock. I set it to snooze twice, then submitted to my fate and dragged myself out of bed. squinting at the bright light, I looked in the mirror. My eyes were all puffed up. I looked horrible. I grabbed an ice cube and paper towel, and held it to my eyes. Then Applied my makeup. It majorly reduced the puffyness, but it was still visible. My eyes still feel all weird, but at least the puffyness it gone!!! So the moral of the story is, don't cry at night, especially if you have to volunteer at the library the next day =P
P.S. I LOVE Carson Beckett!!! And his amazing accent..... :D
Emily :)
Doctor Who,
Stargate Atlantis,
Stargate SG-1
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
My first post EVER!!!
Yaaaaayyyy!!!! This is my FIRST POST EVER!!! (As you've probably already gathered =P) Don't you feel special knowing your reading this?!??!??! Okay, probably not, and I know you're like, okay what's the point of this, can she pleeeeease stop typing? The answer is I don't know what the point is, I just feel obligated to write something about this being my first post ever. And the answer to the second question is yes, I will stop writing. Right now actually :)
'Til next time! When I will write my second post ever!!!
TFR (Thanks for reading :)) Gooodbyeee!! :)
Emily :)
'Til next time! When I will write my second post ever!!!
TFR (Thanks for reading :)) Gooodbyeee!! :)
Emily :)
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